New Feature: Buying animals with $FTT

TT Farm 👨‍🌾
2 min readSep 9, 2021

Howdy Farmers! We’re very excited to announce the launch of TT Farm’s new feature!

New payment method

You can now purchase animals with $FTT, as well as $USDT, $USDC, and $HUSD. That makes our animals purchasable with a total of 6 different cryptos!

Since we’re supporting 5 more cryptos as payment methods, we’ve also added new improvements to our UI. You can now see these supported cryptos directly from your wallet balance in TT Farm:

👉Learn how to buy $FTT here.

We’re not done just yet.

On top of all this, our animals now produce $FTT! You can start receiving $FTT or $TT in produces, instead of only getting $TT as returns like in the past.

We’ve seen how much love our community has for $FTT, and we’ve developed these new features that are made especially for them. Creating more utility for $FTT will continue to be our Northstar as our team is working hard every day to bring more ways to profit on TT Farm. More utility for $FTT means more value and benefits for our beloved Farmers.

That being said, VIP benefits for $FTT holders will be launched soon. So if you’re an $FTT HODLER, you’re in for quite a ride. Buckle up and stay tuned! You won’t be disappointed.

Happy Farming!

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